Emerge Emerge Emerge Emerge EmergeImagine a caterpillar… turning into a chrysalis before emerging as a butterfly. This whole metamorphosis takes time, the caterpillar passes a narrow gateway.
When finally the butterfly crawls out it’s cocoon, his wings are totally folded and weak. It takes some time to dry them, unfold them and fly away.
You also need time to morph, to pass a gateway, before being reborn.
Failure is the mother of success (Korean Proverb)
Every creation is an outcome of a creational wish of you, resonating with your heart…Nonetheless, troubled minds generate unstable creations. Take time to become aware of your heart’s wishes. Focus your intent on your creativity before you unleash it. You choose to be on Earth, a playground where you are allowed to learn and where things often go awry.
Find the courage to get up again and again and again, since you’ve only found a 10000 ways that didn’t work yet.
Remember that FEAR are ‘False Emotions Appearing Real’… they block you to LET IT GO! Fear keeps you on the edge, but never makes you fly. To spread your wings, you have to unlearn all you know. That’s scary, for sure! Take a while to gain awareness. Dive deep into yourself, and then even go deeper. Feel your heartbeat.
Lub dub
Lub dub
Lub dub
Lub dub
Become your heartbeat… Resonate your heartbeat! Become featherlight and catch that airflow. Only an empty cup can be filled with new experiences and insights.
Once you have plunged deep into your centre, be reborn in your heartbeat, when you feel the resonance.
Emerge from your deepest core and radiate your BE-YOU-tiful YOU-niverse.