

Inspirators Inspirators Inspirators Inspirators Inspirators

My first inspirators I met as a teenager, in search for answers on my main questions : ‘is there life after death’ and ‘what is my purpose on Earth’. Nicoline Bleyaert & Heidi Stet introduced me to this alternative way of observing the world around me. They sharpened my way of perceiving and made me aware that there is much more in life than meets the eye.

I continued searching and when I discovered the works of Drunvalo Melchizedek I started to combine his works with my engineering and mathematical skills. Together with Johanna Kleipool, one of his teachers in the Netherlands, I started to redraw huge parts of his works. This led to a deeper understanding of geometry. During the same period I met Iris Barkhuysen, who introduced me to the diamond light awareness and together we contacted beings from different frequencies. This co-operation triggered me to think beyond the known. The golden proportion was another important key in the developing of my ideas. When I met Jain 108 during my world trip at his place in Australia, we unraveled some of it’s mysteries.

All those influences resulted in the draft version of Uni, which I wrote travelling. When I returned home, it was time to polish the rough material further. In that process three important guides appeared : Elayna of Hollow EarthSandra Nauta & Saskia Beuvery. During that period Nicoline Bleyaert remained another anchor. I’ve sparred many hours with each of them about an abundance of topics. This allowed me to crystallise my insights even deeper.

In the background I’d also like to mention Maggie Tahalele & Anastasia, who helped in their way.
Today Elayna of Hollow Earth, Sandra Nauta & Nicoline Bleyaert remain my favourite sparring partners. When we’re together new ideas pop up spontaneously, deepening our insight or just broadening our horizon. When Uni will be released and the playgrounds are out, I’m sure many others will join us in the quest of finding ourselves. When we co-operate, we’ll co-create our reality.

YOU shape your BE-YOU-tiful YOUniverse.